
MomoAI is a Telegram platform for promoting mini-games based on artificial intelligence. The developers use viral mechanics to attract users and promise cryptocurrency airdrops for active participation. Note that the interface is available only in English. Games in MomoAI As of this review, MomoAI features four mini-games: Knock at Coconut – In this game, you […]

Gas Pump

Gas Pump Лого

Gas Pump is a Telegram mini-app that allows you to create and trade tokens on the TON blockchain. The main goal of the platform is to provide a simple, fast, and transparent way to create digital assets without the need for deep technical knowledge. Users can launch their own meme coin or any other token […]

EVAA Protocol

EVAA Protocol Лого

EVAA Protocol is the first credit mini-app in Telegram built on the TON blockchain. It simplifies access to decentralized financial services for messenger users by offering borrowing and lending in various cryptocurrencies on an over-collateralized basis. The main currency of the system is the EVAA token, used for transactions and governance. How EVAA Protocol Works […]